About me

I’m Daniel and I’m a multi-disciplinary creator specialising in brand, content and marketing.

Daniel Duke

I have a, sort of, rare combination of skills — I’m a trained writer with more than ten years experience working on print, digital and user experience design. I understand customers and how to communicate with them. More importantly, I understand why we need to speak effectively to our customers, which is often the hardest question to answer.

I’ve worked across a broad range of industries — designing and writing for newspapers and magazines, producing marketing campaigns for businesses, big and small, and creating branding, illustrations and effective user interfaces for all kinds of clients.

The one thing all of these fields have in common is simple — communication. From magazines, to advertising billboards, to apps and interfaces, the key ingredient to making our ideas work is communication. Whether it’s readers, users or customers (or all three), it’s important to speak to your audience, through words and images, and I’m here to help you do that, simply and effectively.

I live in Edinburgh with my wife Hannah and our deaf cat Mollie.

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